We’re a charity based in Luton, working to build resilience within faith communities against child sexual exploitation and other forms of harm. As a Christian and Muslim partnership, dialogue and learning from shared experiences as well as different perspectives is at the heart of what we do. On our channel we talk about: faith and our experiences and responsibilities as people of faith; safeguarding including challenges and best practice with an emphasis on accounting for difference and overcoming bias; identity and how this interacts with experiences of harm and responses to abuse; young people, community and more.
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
Nigel, Melissa and Peter discuss The Bloom Review- entitled "Does government ‘do God?’ " and also briefly look at the Coronation and the offer for public to declare allegiance to King Charles. You can find the full 159 page report here : https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1152684/The_Bloom_Review.pdfand the podcast with interview with Tim Farron and the author of the report, Colin Bloom here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/colin-bloom-does-current-government-do-god/id1548503241?i=1000611449132(Difficult wifi signal affected the recording but not significantly)
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Nigel briefly describes the work in the background towards our up coming conferences and our hopes for what they can achieve. He refers to our research and also a few of the courses we run to help schools, young people and organisations. We would like a good spread of people at our conferences parents, teachers, faith leaders and other professionals. If you would like to attend a conference or know someone who may be interested. Please do get in touch via email to admin@faces.org.ukYou can find our research here: https://faces.org.uk/research/ You can also find details of our courses here: https://faces.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/FACES-Training-Courses-and-Workshops-2022_compressed.pdf
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Nigel and Peter both discuss Home Secretary Suella Baverman's Comments in the press over the last couple of weeks. FACES has put out a statement on this and the statistics from the Home Office that appear to contradict the racial accusations she makes. Peter and Nigel discuss some of the implications of this. They also reference a podcast where Baroness Warsi powerfully responds to these accusations you can read about these statements here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65261172You can see our statement by Dr Lucie Moore on the Home Secretary's comments here: https://faces.org.uk/2023/04/03/statement-on-grooming-gang-comments-made-by-the-home-secretary/
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Nigel, Melissa and Courtney discuss the importance of safeguarding training for volunteers working with refugees. Their discussions include a course that Faces(Luton) are building in order to help organisations and groups better help refugees. The course trials at the end of this month and should be available more widely soon. The course benefits from a good knowledge of working with refugees as well as an understanding of the importance of safeguarding. For more information on the course and how it may help your organisation please contact us via our website wwwhttps://faces.org.uk/contact/
To hear our previous podcasts on refugees you can access them via our podcast channel Faces(Luton) on your usual Podcast app. don't forget to subscribe!
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Nigel meets up with Bedfordshire Police's Chief Constable Trevor Rodenhurst to discuss the Casey Report. The Casey Report pulls no punches as it looks at institutional racism, misogyny and homophobia in London's Police force and their failings in the community.
Nigel and Trevor look at the report's implications for policing. They look at how Bedfordshire Police are working to improving community links, overcome internal cultural problems and make communities safer as they tackle crime in the area.
Trevor lives in Bedfordshire and so is invested in the area being good for his family. He has 29 years of police experience and is keen on cultural change in policing. Trevor and his executive team use input from diverse communities in Bedfordshire (including the IAG) to help him tackle potential blind spots in their approach to change.
Nigel (Staff member of FACES) has volunteered as one member of the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) to Bedfordshire Police. He asks his questions based on the many situations he and those in his team have been invited to input into by Bedfordshire Police over the years.
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Nigel and Sujel Miah discuss community initiatives around the vibrant and very diverse town of Luton. They discuss current issues of local poverty, community generosity and the focus that faith brings. Sujel is a trustee of FACES, a keen distance runner and has wide involvement in community activities alongside many charities.
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Peter, Lucie and Nigel discuss the sentencing of Eleanor Williams, a 22 year old jailed for eight and a half years for nine counts of lying about being raped and trafficked by an 'Asian grooming gang' and making false rape claims against a series of other men. They discuss the many things we can learn from this including the way the narratives and assumptions around Rotherham may have been used to build public support for this false narrative. You can find out more from the following articles:
Full sentencing from Sky News can be found here. (Warning: contains some graphic material)
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
People of different faith backgrounds, Katie Forbes and Humza Yousaf are amongst those running for the leadership of the Scottish National Party. Many articles in the press are asking the question, "Can a person of faith lead at a high level in today's society?". Nigel and Melissa discuss this question with Tony Thompson (Hope Church Luton/FACES) and Ruth Robb (Azelea/FACES).For further information on this subject please check out the following articles: http://www.hopechurch.co.uk/a-challenge-to-a-tolerant-society/https://www.theosthinktank.co.uk/comment/2023/02/27/should-religious-people-be-allowed-to-hold-top-political-jobshttps://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/opposing-same-sex-marriage-deters-voters-and-poses-questions-for-kate-forbes-0923fmljf
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Nigel and Melissa meet with Peter to discuss the origins and principles of his peace and reconciliation work in Luton. Peter takes us around the world and shares how he discovered his own purpose in bringing peace to others. One of the successes of this work is FACES itself- Peter was one of our founders. You can find out more at https://www.stmarysluton.org/peace-and-reconciliation
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Nigel and Melissa meet with Courtney who works with refugees locally. Courtney helps explain the process and also bring real life examples of of how local contact can help protect people from exploitation. We discuss the local impact of a hotel shutting its usual functions to house refugees and the responses from the community (https://www.lutontoday.co.uk/news/people/old-palace-lodge-dunstable-town-council-agrees-to-welcome-all-new-residents-4016864).
A few useful links for those wanting to know more: https://righttoremain.org.uk/toolkit/ , https://care4calais.org/ , https://thecourtneyfoundation.org/ or contact us at FACES admin@faces.org.uk